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The scent of crime and love: How modern printing inks cause less impact to the environment

You either love it or hate it: the smell of a freshly printed book or newspaper. Where does the odour come from? Learn more about Haltermann Carless sustainable printing ink distillates.  
You either love it or hate it: the smell of a freshly printed book or newspaper. Most of this smell is due to certain types of molecules in the printing ink solvent, so called aromatics. These molecules are potentially harmful to human health, the environment and complicate the recycling of paper products. This causes the industry to trend towards a reduction in aromatics, or even mineral oil free printing ink solvents. Always a step ahead, Haltermann Carless offered these ink solvents even before the trend was born. Reading a book is still a pleasure – even without the aromatics and their odour.

Haltermann Carless offers Printing Ink Distillates (PID) with very low aromatic contents. We further reduced the aromatic content by using our new → hydrogenation unit. As early as 2015, Haltermann Carless offered printing inks distillated based on renewable sources.

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Tags: Product, Sustainability